01 Jul

A healthy organizational culture is a catalyst for employee engagement, collaboration, and innovation—three things that are critical to business success. But even more important is understanding how to create a culture that aligns with your overall business goals. The right culture will fully support the efforts of the people who work there. If you’re unsure […]

01 Jul

Nearly two years ago, with what started as a deceptively simple request, “Our clients want to better understand how to innovate. Can you dig into that?” Sure thing. I modified my news feeds and started following industry leaders on anything and everything related to innovation. As it turns out, innovation can’t happen if there are […]

01 Jul

The previous article highlighted the growing need for innovation and the importance of creativity. Now we’ll dive deeper and define what creative work looks like and the building blocks for a creative and innovative environment. What Does Creative “Work” Look Like? Creativity researchers have spent years pulling apart the key factors that make highly creative people just that, highly creative. As […]

01 Jul

Managing change in the workplace, like any successful project, requires a systematic process that guides, prepares, and enables individuals to quickly adopt change to achieve desired business results. Companies that effectively manage change consistently outperform their competitors. Why? Effective change management requires a structured approach, with leaders who embrace the process and proactively engage impacted […]

01 Jul

Nos enfocamos en la integración adecuada de tres factores para mejorar el desempeño de los diversos equipos y áreas de trabajo de un negocio: 1.- Individuos 2.- Instalaciones 3.- Desempeño Organizacional El espacio interior laboral, es una inversión que impacta directamente en el factor humano, en la productividad e imagen de una empresa. En conjunto podemos […]